Daehangno : Korea Broadway

In Seoul, it is a double-headed carriage of a busy university street with universities along with the Sinchon members, and a place where you can feel the vitality of youth as much as much as Hongdae However, the atmosphere is more pleasant compared to Hongdae, which has many clubs, as Daehangno has many art facilities such as theater theaters. But Catholic students of the Catholic University of Korea, who live strictly controlled lives, call the campus a "Lasvegas" (...)). Also, since there is an old palace and Jongmyo Shrine near Daehangno, the elderly are often seen. Changgyeonggung Palace is right next to it, and Changdeokgung Palace and Jongmyo Island are not very far away on foot for 2 to 30 minutes. It is a space that represents the mixture of the old and the new. Right next to Seonggyungwan is right now.

It is natural that the right to target universities is formed because they are university districts and urban areas. Along with Myeong-dong, Sinchon and Hongdae, it is considered one of the most popular commercial areas in northern Seoul, and there are many restaurants around Daehangno. For example, since the 2010s, the number of Japanese restaurants, which include Ramen and Donburi, has increased, and now it has become a dense area behind the strongholds of Hongdae and Sinchon. As a college student, the price range is more conscientious than the city center. However, prices are not high because of the high street. Perhaps that's why some people play around the Seongshin Women's University Station, where prices are relatively low. There are many other cafes and street vendors, of course. From Daemyung Street to Daehangno Street, you can see a line of stands selling such things as snacks and sweetenas.

The Daehangno commercial district can be divided into two or three sections: Daemyung Street and Seonggyungwan-ro between Daehangno and Changgyeonggung-ro. The atmosphere varies from part to part and the price range of the shopping district varies. In more detail, the area near Daehangno can also be divided into two parts , and there are small commercial districts located near Hyehwa Rotary or in the Korea Communications University-Hongik University Collegiate Campus.

It is also close to Chungmuro, the mecca of the Korean theater industry. Korea’s Broadway style, so to speak, is a paradise for theater and musical virtues and a money-losing Helgate. There are dozens of plays performed at Dongsung Art Center and many actors and comedians who have made their debut by building acting experience here.

The problem is, however, that the government will not be able to afford any kind of the game. Many of these hit-and-run plays have high discount rates and are sensationally popular or neo-fascist. Therefore, if you decide to watch a play in Daehangno, you should search for information on the performance and book tickets through the Internet. The theater industry is making efforts to eradicate it, but it seems that it is not easy. For your information, if you record (voice, video) the guest activity and report it to the "Good Concert Information Center," you will immediately receive a ticket for the excellent performance. The "Good Concert Information Center" offers information on discount plays and pamphlets, so it’s good to visit without being caught up in soliciting.# However, as the rent of the building has risen sharply, theatergoers who cannot afford it have moved to Seongbuk-gu, which is relatively inexpensive.

Busking performances are also an active area. They usually do busking at Marronnier Park, Daemyung Street entrance and pine tree roads, especially when they visit on Saturday, they can meet performers who busk at high odds.

In terms of entertainment, PC rooms were one of the pioneering areas where many students were introduced from the first time. There have been many youth arcades, including ours, but only our arcades have remained since the 2010s.
